Did You Know There Are 4 Types Of Online Programs? Find Out Which One Is Right For You. TAKE THE QUIZ.
How To Create & Fill An Online Program Part 1
How To Create & Fill An Online Program Part 1

How To Create & Fill An Online Program Part 1

You see your peers and colleagues having success. You see them launching their online program and you wonder if this is possible for you. 

Many professionals have a hard time conceptualizing how they can create an online program or don’t understand how it can work with their specific areas of expertise and modality.

Maybe you have never been taught anything other than a 1:1 or hands-on practice, but believe me when I say that model of helping people is outdated and broken.

In this two-part series I demonstrate how an online Signature Program can become your ticket to freedom (no matter what your area of practice is), as I walk you through 4 vital shifts you need to make to be successful.

Here are some key points in this episode:

[04:00] – A Signature Program is your ticket to freedom – no matter your experience or modality. 

[08:09] – The 4 shifts you need to make to be successful.

[09:28] – Shift # 1 – Drop the anchor – Who is your purple duck?

[16:00] – Shift # 2 – Creating the Signature Program – the elements of a successful program.

Links Mentioned In This Episode: 

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